Borrowed traces the practices of publishing and cultural production during the Cold War, especially from the late 1950s through the 1960s. This was an era of political struggle and ideological rivalry on local and international levels. For many reasons, not least foreign cultural funding, This historical period can be consider the beginning of Arab culture’s globalization. Against this backdrop, local publishing houses blossomed, and numerous cultural journals appeared. Emerging is writers, poets, and translators came into the limelight. Groups and associations formed, advocating an array of propositions on topics such as modernity or realism as well as the notion of iltizam, or political commitment in literature and society.

Fehras Publishing Practices, BORROWED FACES 02, A Photo NOVel on Publishing culture, different scenes, 2022

Fehras Publishing Practices, DOkumenta 15, Kassel, Germany, 2022, Foto Martha Friedel

Fehras Publishing Practices, DOkumenta 15, Kassel, Germany, 2022, Foto Martha Friedelv

Fehras Publishing Practices, DOkumenta 15, Kassel, Germany, 2022, Foto Martha Friedel

Fehras Publishing Practices, DOkumenta 15, Kassel, Germany, 2022, Foto Martha Friedel