Lip-Sing for your Art!, A Bilingual Karaoke" is a part of a research focuses on the transformation of modern Arabic in the context of the rise of Arab cultural institutions as a phenomenon appears in the past decades. The work concerns with the emergence of a language specific to bilingual art publications issued in the last decade in the EMNA (East Mediterranean and North Africa) region. The research is aiming to analyse these changes on the level of form, terminology and syntax and it is structured around bilingualism, institution, translation and its methods and purposes as well as the production of cultural knowledge.
Through an interactive Karaoke, the work is attempting to give a life to the researched bilingual art publications through the performative voice. The are asking the audience to carry the voice of the text, of the discourse and of the global art to revive the publications that are sleeping on the shelves of the museum, gallery and art institution.
Through an interactive Karaoke, the work is attempting to give a life to the researched bilingual art publications through the performative voice. The are asking the audience to carry the voice of the text, of the discourse and of the global art to revive the publications that are sleeping on the shelves of the museum, gallery and art institution.

installation view, Lip-sing for you art!, A Bilingual Karaoke, Group Exhibition,
Centre régional d’art contemporain Occitanie-Méditerranée, Sete, France, 2020

book covers of arabic bilingual publications from the collected Archive by Fehras Publishing Practices
(Omar Nicolas, Sami Rustom, Omar Nicolas), Centre régional d’art contemporain Occitanie-Méditerranée, Sete, France, 2020